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标题: 有朋友用过腰椎棘突间动态稳定内固定系统WALLIS吗?

846 两


 楼主|发表于 2010-11-25 10:47 | 个人空间 | 显示全部楼层 | 收藏本帖

非融合脊椎手術之我見( Wallis, Coflex,Dynesys)
由於傳統脊椎手術最終總是導向融合手術,就是用釘子配合椎體籠架把不穩定的脊椎固定在一起使它們之間融合,這對脊椎滑脫,椎弓解離的患者的確是治療首選, 但對於常發生在年輕人的椎間盤突出症,一般僅做椎間盤清除手術,即使知道將來復發的機會不小 (5-16%),但要做融合手術就有點猶豫。
這類的患者可以選擇的非融合脊椎手術包括棘突間支架, 目前常用的有兩種,第一是COFLEX, 第二類是WALLIS SYSTEM(第二代)
COFLEX 是用鈦金屬製成,卡在棘突間, WALLIS 是用PEEK 材質製成在棘突間用人工韌帶(Polyester) 繫緊。
兩者各有優缺點, 鈦金屬限制軀體活動較多, PEEK 加上人工韌帶(Polyester)彈性較大,鈦金屬較不會變質, PEEK 加上人工韌帶
(Polyester)使用期間可能比較短。 因為這兩種棘突間支架配合顯微椎間盤清除手術,破壞程度遠小於椎弓切除術及脊椎融合手術,
其他非融合手術例如腰椎人工椎間盤,丹尼斯系統 DYNESYS system對於用在年輕人的椎間盤突出症上就不免有小題大作之感。
← 扫一扫直达 本贴手机版

◎ 本贴链接:http://www.yz-bbs.com/thread-11108-1-1.html
846 两


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-25 13:42 | 个人空间 | 显示全部楼层
腰椎棘突间非融合技术的研究进展 (2010-07-07 10:27:49)
  (本文作者:河北医科大学第三医院脊柱骨科  陈宏亮等)
    目前,脊柱融合技术在治疗下腰痛和腰椎不稳方面取得了较好的疗效,融合率达90% 以上。但有研究表明,其临床疗效并未达到期望值;而且坚强内固定和脊柱融合术存在加速邻近节段退变、内固定失败、术后假关节形成等并发症的可能。近年来欧美国家提出了“动态稳定”的概念,即在脊柱固定同时最大程度地保留原有的运动功能,尽量保留部分有益椎体间运动和节段间负荷传递的稳定系统,减少手术对腰椎原有微环境的影响和破坏。腰椎棘突间非融合技术即为其中一种,现就该技术的相关研究进展作一综述。
    1 发展、分类及特点

    早在上个世纪,Knowles 曾在腰椎棘突间植入圆柱形钢质金属塞来治疗腰椎管狭窄症,该设计理念是棘突间非融合技术的最早雏形。Minns 器械是首个报道的棘突间柔性撑开器,它可降低关节突关节负荷和减小椎间盘内压。Wallis 器械是Sénégas 于上世纪80年代开发的非融合内固定系统。随着脊柱外科相关技术的不断发展,目前已研发出多种棘突间非融合器械,根据其设计可分为静态和动态系统两大类。

    1.1 静态系统

    静态系统是一种不可压缩的系统,主要通过刚性材料来维持棘突间的高度。主要包括X-STOP 器械、ExtenSure 器械和Wallis 器械。

    1.1.1 X-STOP 器械

    X-STOP 器械由中间的椭圆形分离器、组织扩张器及侧翼组成,材料为钛合金,术中及术后透视可清晰显示其位置。术中将X-STOP 器械植入棘上韧带和黄韧带之间,侧翼可防止其前移,棘上韧带可防止后移。植入X-STOP 棘突撑开器后,相应节段被拉伸,可有效维持病变间隙高度(图1 a)。该器械是首个被美国FDA 批准应用于临床的棘突间非融合器械。

    1.1.2 ExtenSure 器械

    ExtenSure 器械是一种圆柱形同种异体骨内植物。术中从后路将其置于棘突间,两侧缝合于上方棘突以获得稳定,这样既可实现棘突间韧带撑开及维持稳定的作用,又可保留相应节段椎间活动度(图1 b)。该器械的特点:①可在局麻下进行手术;②不需去除任何软组织和骨组织;③并发症少,术中不会损伤神经;④术后24 h 内可出院,恢复时间短;⑤术后不会引起邻近节段的退变。该器械2005 年被美国FDA 批准应用于临床。

    1.1.3 Wallis 器械

    Wallis 器械是研究历史最悠久的棘突间非融合内固定系统,最初是由钛内固定器和2 条涤纶索带组成的棘突间动力化固定装置。钛内固定器置于棘突间,2 条涤纶索带缠绕相邻棘突以提供张力维持稳定(图 1 c)。近年Sénégas以聚醚醚酮(poly ether ether ketone,PEEK)为原料代替钛合金发明了第2 代Wallis 器械。新固定器具有更好的弹性(PEEK 弹性是钛的30 倍),其主要通过撑开力降低后方纤维环的负荷发挥作用。目前该器械已被美国FDA 批准进行临床试验。

    1.2 动态系统

    动态系统是一种可压缩系统,主要在维持棘突间高度的同时保留一部分植入物的弹性,目前作为另一种设计理念现逐渐受到重视。动态系统主要包括Coflex 器械和椎间辅助运动装置(device for intervertebral assisted motion,DIAM)。

    1.2.1 Coflex 器械

    Coflex 器械侧面观由一U 形的中间体部及上下翼状结构构成,翼状结构固定于上下棘突,体部及上下翼内侧的齿状结构可提高屈伸时的稳定性,上下翼的小孔也可增加稳定性(图1 d)。术中切除棘间韧带组织,将Coflex 器械以一种预压缩模式置于棘突间,维持棘突间高度。其在后伸位表现为动态压缩,允许腰椎屈曲,旋转中心靠近椎管,提高了旋转稳定性。该器械允许连续多个水平同时应用,以获得更大的棘突间撑开效果。其独特之处在于可作为一种填充“过渡地带(从僵硬融合节段向活动非融合节段)”的方法,用于融合邻近节段棘突间的固定。目前美国FDA 已批准该器械用于减免医材临床试验的研究。

    1.2.2 DIAM 器械

    DIAM 器械由1 个硅铜制成的间隔物和外周的涤纶套桶组成,在棘突间起震动吸收装置的作用。有文献报道,在生理负荷下,DIAM 器械可减少椎间盘切除术后增加的前屈、后伸及侧弯运动,成角运动较正常节段下降,但对椎间盘切除术后增加的轴向旋转运动无限制作用。DIAM 器械也可用于填充“过渡地带”。目前该器械已被美国FDA 批准进行临床试验(图1 e)。

    2 应用原理与适应证

    Wilke 等研究发现,棘突间非融合器械的作用原理基本一致,即撑开病变节段棘突间隙,防止过度后伸,从而增加相应水平椎管横截面积和椎间孔高度,降低椎间盘负荷和小关节负荷,控制异常活动,保持运动功能来预防邻近节段退变,使失稳的腰椎达到正常状态的活动特性,实现动态重建腰椎序列。Sénégas 等对241 例使用棘突间非融合器械的患者进行了长达10年的随访,发现其对邻近节段的退变有明显抑制作用,且长时间使用是安全的;他们还总结了其主要适应证,包括退变性椎管狭窄症、椎间盘源性下腰痛、关节突综合征、腰椎间盘突出症及非创伤性不稳。现对5 种棘突间非融合器械的应用原理与适应证分别阐述如下。

    2.1 X-STOP 器械

    Zucherman 等在人新鲜尸体上进行了研究,发现在腰椎某一节段植入X-STOP 器械后该节段屈伸活动明显受限,而对轴向旋转度及侧屈活动度无明显影响。从病理解剖学分析,它不仅分散了脊椎间的压力,而且不破坏棘间- 棘上韧带复合结构,使脊柱处于轻度屈曲位,又避免其后伸,同时允许患者保留相对正常的体位而非过度屈曲,使相应节段拉伸,病变间隙高度得到有效维持,神经孔也相应扩大。适应证包括:①伴轻、中度神经性间歇性跛行的腰椎管狭窄症患者;②年龄50 岁以上;③接受物理治疗或非甾体类药物口服和/ 或脊柱注射等保守治疗至少6 个月;④临床症状在屈曲位时缓解。Idler 等通过注射聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥以增强相关棘突的强度,扩大了X-STOP器械的适用范围。但Barbagallo 等认为应用X-STOP器械不仅应注意患者的临床适应证,更重要的是患者棘突间及周围区域的解剖结构是否适合。

    2.2 ExtenSure 器械

    目前,术中应用ExtenSure 器械时一般只对上方棘突的下骨面去皮质化,以促进内植物和上方棘突的融合,这样既可保证内植物长期的生物学稳定,又可保留相应节段的椎间活动度。其适应证与X-STOP 器械相同。

    2.3 Wallis 器械

    Wallis 器械具有操作简便、无严重并发症、手术失败后易取出、行二次腰椎融合翻修手术容易的优点。Sénégas建议该器械适应证为:①巨大椎间盘突出行髄核摘除后椎间盘组织丧失者;②复发性椎间盘突出症行翻修术者;③ L5 骶化时L4、5 椎间盘突出症行椎间盘切除术者;④既往融合节段出现相邻椎间盘退变者;⑤腰椎终板Modic Ⅰ型病变导致慢性下腰痛者。该器械不适用于腰椎严重滑脱的患者。但Floman 等对37 例椎间盘突出复发后二次植入Wallis 器械的患者随访1 年后,发现其不能降低椎间盘突出的复发率,但对缓解椎间盘源性疼痛有明显疗效。

    2.4 Coflex 器械

    Coflex 器械不仅能保留棘突及大部分椎板,而且对硬膜提供了保护,有助于减少软组织环状卡压、椎管狭窄和减轻已退变椎间盘的负荷。适应证包括:①复发性椎间盘突出症;②退行性椎间盘疾病早期;③退行性腰椎侧凸;④中央型椎管狭窄、侧隐窝狭窄和腰椎不稳;⑤可允许包括部分椎板、椎间关节切除、椎间孔扩大以及黄韧带、棘间韧带和棘上韧带切除在内的减压术。

    2.5 DIAM 器械

    DIAM 器械不影响植入相邻节段的运动,因此无论既往有无椎间盘切除术,对于脊柱不稳(特别是前屈、后伸及侧弯运动增大)引起临床症状的患者均可取得良好效果。适应证包括:①初发或复发性椎间盘突出者;②年轻患者的腰椎早期退变;③轻度腰椎不稳;④术后疼痛综合征;⑤融合节段的相邻节段;⑥退变性椎管狭窄症,伴有放射症状的软组织性椎管狭窄、椎间孔狭窄。

846 两


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-25 13:43 | 个人空间 | 显示全部楼层


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846 两


 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-3 23:25 | 个人空间 | 显示全部楼层

分类:脊柱外科 时间:2010年7月30日 20时05分 收藏: QQ书签 百度搜藏 收藏本文


The advent of rigid spinal instrumentation was accompanied by higher fusion rates in the treatment of degenerative lumbar disease without between the plating systems, thus questioning the compressive properties of the plate in vivo. Clinical outcomes were similar among the groups, which led the investigators to conclude that the more expensive dynamic plates do not offer any clear benefit compared with rigid plates. Anterior cervical plating is associated with adjacent-level ossification which may be due to impingement from the plate on the adjacent level disc space (Fig. 2).24,25 Although comparative series have shown no difference in incidence of this complication when comparing rigid with dynamic cervical plating, special attention must be paid to technique when using a dynamic clear improvements in clinical outcomes.29–31  
坚强的脊柱内固定装置,面临的是在治疗退变性脊柱疾病过程中融合率提高,但是临床疗效并未得到明显改善的尴尬局面。通过邻近节段椎间盘内压力的测量,坚强内固定确实增加了邻近节段的应力。邻近节段应力增加在导致邻近节段退变机器退变性疾病中的作用仍未确定。邻近节段退变性疾病的发生率高达36 %。对于邻近节段退变和退变性疾病的关注,驱使动态或者半坚强固定得到了发展。随着颈椎内固定器械的发展,腰椎动态装置被设计成一个载荷分享装置,该装置不会增加邻近节段的应力,也能促进融合。有部分动态装置也被用于非融合。前期临床证据尚不能支持低强度的固定可提高脊柱融合率。在美国,美国食品药品监督治疗局(FDA)批准腰椎动态固定装置通过了510(k)文件。自1976年开始,一个新的器械,必须是与现在美国市场上一种或多种相似器械对比而言是等价器械(substantially equivalent)。美国510k文件还强调,必须提交与1976年之前合法上市的器械具有等价的临床疗效,来说明器械是等效器械(predicate device)。用于非融合的动态固定装置已被广泛应用。因此,对于腰椎动态固定用于非融合的文献仅局限于一些前瞻性研究。所以,本节回顾分析动态装置用于融合的临床证据及讨论动态固定系统用于融合技术。为更广泛的回顾最新数据,读者可以参考Bono及其同事们公开发表的最新文献。
Rigid instrumentation does result in increased forces at the adjacent segments of the spine as measured by intradiscal pressure. The role of increased forces at the adjacent segments in causing adjacent segment degeneration and disease remains undetermined. The rates of adjacent segment disease are as high as 36%.32 The concern for adjacent segment degeneration and disease has driven the development of dynamic, or semirigid, constructs for lumbar spine instrumentation. As with cervical spine instrumentation, the dynamic instrumentation for the lumbar spine is designed to be a load-sharing device, allowing for fusion without excessive rigidity leading to adjacent segment complications.33 Some dynamic constructs have also been used without fusion. Preclinical evidence to support less rigid stabilization as a mechanism for improving fusion rates in the spine is limited. In the United States, the FDA has approved lumbar dynamic stabilization devices through the 510k regulatory pathway. A new technology that is substantially equivalent to existing devices that have been in use since before 1976 may be approved by the FDA under the process of 510 approval. The US FDA 510 regulatory process specifically applies to devices and technologies for which there was a predicate device in existence before 1976. The level of clinical evidence required for 510k approval is variable and approval may be based on mechanical and preclinical studies alone. Dynamic stabilization devices without fusion have been applied in a physicianThis directed use, or off-label application. Therefore, the literature on lumbar dynamic stabilization without fusion is limited to a few prospective studies. This section reviews the evidence for these devices as instruments for spinal fusion, and discusses the use of fusion devices for dynamic stabilization. For a broader review of the recent data, the reader is referred to the recent publication by Bono and colleagues.34
被FDA按照510k文件批准用于脊柱融合这个动态系统,是基于椎弓根螺钉系统共建的一种半坚强固定、或者限制轴向压缩或限制屈伸活动的装置。这些动态装置的强度受材料的选择及其纵向连接棒来决定。尽管坚强的不锈钢、钛合金常用语脊柱内固定系统,但是半坚强固定却是选用polyetheretherketone ( PEEK ) 作为连接杆材料,或者选用镍钛诺(Nitinol)记忆合金、特殊的剪切棒(例如,ACCUflex)、带关节的棒、聚乙烯索(oynesys)等等。半坚强固定系统的优化力学特性尚未确定。
PEEK is a polymer that has been studied in spinal fusion. The material properties of PEEK make it popular for several reasons. It is a biocompatible polymer, with excellent strength, virtually no reactivity, and it is radiolucent (Fig. 3).38 Ponnappan and colleagues33 compared the biomechanical properties of 5.5-mm PEEK rods with those of 5.5-mm titanium rods for single-level posterolateral fusion (PLF), and when paired with posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF). They found no significant difference in stiffness between the PLF constructs in flexion/extension, lateral bending, or axial rotation. The PLIF constructs were significantly stiffer than the PLF constructs in all 3 planes. Again, there were no differences between the titanium and PEEK constructs with PLIF. The PEEK constructs with interbody graft did show increased load sharing with the interbody graft compared with the titanium posterior instrumentation. A PEEK posterior rod with an interbody graft may improve load sharing with interbody fusions, thereby encouraging compression of the interbody graft. The PEEK constructs also showed reduced stress at the pedicle screw to bone interface, which may reduce the risk of pedicle screw loosening. The ability to visualize the fusion mass is also a noted advantage of PEEK rods. There are no published clinical data that support improved outcome regarding fusion rates or screw loosening.
PEEK材料是一种聚合物,曾被用于脊柱融合。PEEK的材料的以下特性使它颇受欢迎:它是具有良好生物相容性聚合物,具有优良的强度,几乎没有炎症反应,可以透过射线 (图3)。Ponnappan及其同事比较了直径均是5.5mm的PEEK棒及其钛杆用于单节段后路融合(PLF),并与经后路椎间融合(PLIF)进行配对比较。他们发现在PLF患者中,屈曲/后伸、左右侧曲或轴旋转时两者的刚度无显著差异;再者,两者在PLIF患者中也没有显著差异。PEEK框架和椎间植骨块增加了椎间植骨块的载荷,相对钛棒后路结构而言。PEEK棒和椎间植骨块可以通过提高增加椎间融合的负载共享,从而增加了椎间植骨块的压应力。PEEK框架也减少了椎弓根螺钉与骨界面之间的应力,从而降低了椎弓根螺钉松动的风险。此外,PEEK材料可以清楚看到融合骨痂。但是,目前还没有公开的临床资料显示融合率或者椎弓根松动影响临床疗效。
Nitinol is a nickel and titanium memory alloy. The flexibility and rigidity of the alloy vary with the temperature of the surrounding environment. These material properties allow the alloy to be contoured at room temperatures, and to return to a precontoured position at body temperature.The Bio-Flex System (Bio-Spine; Korea) consists of titanium pedicle screws and coiled 4-mm Nitinol rods. Kim and colleagues36 described the use of this system in a heterogeneous cohort of patients and treatment modalities for degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. Used in combination with PLIF, the fusion rate achieved was 90%, and the overall success rate was 90.7%. The investigators reported that adjacent segment motion was increased at levels adjacent to the Bio-Flex system alone and at combined Bio-Flex/PLIF levels, and concluded that the Bio-Flex system allows for more physiologic movement at the adjacent segments. The effect of increased motion at segments adjacent to instrumented levels on degeneration will require long-term follow-up. Further evaluation of nitinol semirigid fixation will require matched comparison with rigid fixation systems.
Nitinol是一种氮钛镍记忆合金,该合金的柔韧性和强度可以根据外界温度而改变。这些材料特性可以允许该合金在常温下塑性、然后在体温时塑性回事先设定的形状。Bio-Flex系统(Bio-Spine,韩国),即是由钛椎弓根螺钉、4mmNitinol棒组成。金及其同事将此系统用于不同队列的腰椎间盘退变性疾病的患者进行了描述。结合PLIF技术,该组病例的融合率达到了90%,总的优良率是90.7 %。研究者报道:对与PLIF结合Bio-Flex系统而言,单纯运用Bio-Flex系统者;因此得出以下结论:Bio-Flex系统可以允许邻近节段更多的生理运动。邻近节段运动增加对于该节段退变的影响,还需要长期随访。Nitinol半坚强固定与坚强内固定之间的比较,还需要进一步研究。
The AccuFlex System (Globus Medical Inc; Audubon, PA, USA) is a semirigid rod designed for use with a standard pedicle screw instrumentation system. Through a proprietary technique, helical cuts is fixed, the rod is not amenable to contouring. The results for a randomized controlled trial of single-level posterior spinal fusion (PSF) with interbody fusion with standard 6.5-mm rods versus AccuFlex rods were reported by Mandigo and colleagues.35 At 1 year of follow-up, results with respect to Short Form 36 (SF-36) scores, VAS scores, and fusion rates did not differ between the 2 groups. The investigators were careful to note that more follow-up is needed to determine whether rates of adjacent segment disease are different between the groups.
AccuFlex系统(Globus医疗公司;Au-dubon,美国)是一种采用标准椎弓根螺钉结合半坚强纵向连接棒的系统。尽管拥有一项专利技术,6.5 mm杆是采用螺旋切切割制成的,这样使得该纵向连接杆强度下降。该系统仅适用于单一节段,是因为螺旋切割的方向是固定的,该纵向连接棒不允许塑性。采用椎间融合和标准的6.5mm连接杆与AccuFlex系统进行脊柱后路融合的随机对照试验,由Mandigo及其同事报道其随访一年的结果。该结果显示SF-36评分、VAS评分以及两组之间的融合率并无显著差异。研究者谨慎地还需要更加长期的随访,以判断两组之间邻近节段退变的发生率。
The Twinflex system (Eurosurgical; Beaurains, France) is a flexible system, based on 2.5-mm stainless steel rods, and pedicle screw fixation. The smaller diameter rods allow for less rigid fixation, again with the hypothesis that load sharing will allow for high fusion rates with less adjacent segment disease. A well-designed study by Korovessis and colleagues39 compared this system with rigid and semirigid pedicle screw systems. With 15 patients per group and an average of 4 years follow-up, no differences in clinical results were observed. Three patients in the dynamic Twinflex group sustained broken implants, but fusion rates were similar within all 3 groups. Adjacent segment disease was not observed in any of the groups. These investigators concluded that, as the results were similar among all groups, no clear recommendations may be made. In this case, further follow-up and cost analyses may help clarify the usefulness of these different instrumentation systems.
The Dynesys (Centerpulse/Zimmer, Winterthur, Switzerland) system is marketed as a fusion device, despite a lack of peer-reviewed reports available to assess its utility for this purpose. Dynamic stabilization of the spine without fusion remains a controversial strategy in the management of spinal disorders. The Dynesys dynamic stabilization system is a pedicle screw–based construct, with polyethylene terephthalate cords and polyurethane sleeves bridging the pedicle screws. The cord acts to stabilize the motion segment in flexion, whereas the sleeve acts to stabilize in extension, and this effect has been shown in cadaveric studies.40,41 As with other cuts are made in a 6.5-mm rod, making the rod less rigid. This system is limited to single-level use, and because the orientation of the helical patients underwent additional surgery for persistent pain or adjacent segment disease. Despite these high complication rates (30%), the trial investigators concluded that the implant was a success for management of degenerative lumbar disease. Statistically significant changes were observed in VAS and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores. Comparison with a matched cohort treated with rigid stabilization will be useful in an assessment of the Dynesys system for treatment of degenerative lumbar pathology without fusion.
Dynesys(Centerpulse/Zimmer,瑞士)系统,在市场上被标榜为用于融合的一种装置,尽管缺乏对该系统作用的同行评议(peer-reviewed)报告。非融合的脊柱动态用于治疗脊柱疾病,仍然是一个颇有争议的策略。Dynesys动态固定系统是基于椎弓根钉的框架结构、由PET(polyethylene terephthalate)树脂构建缆绳和聚氨酯(polyurethane)套筒桥接椎弓根螺钉而成。缆绳起着限制运动节段的的弯曲,而套筒起着限制后伸的作用,这种效果已在尸体标本上得到证实。像其他动态装置一样,该装置的目的是最小化减低固定对邻近节段的影响;进而降低邻近节段疾病并发症的发生率。Dynesys系统的设计者报道了3年随访的较好结果:总共有73例患者接受了Dynesys治疗退行性疾病。其中11例发生了与植入物相关的并发症。另外11例患者接受了再次手术治疗持续疼痛或邻近节段疾病。尽管如此高的并发症发生率(30%),试验的观察者仍认为该系统治疗退行性腰椎疾病是成功的。VAS和ODI评分在统计学上发生了显著变化。与坚强内固定之间的队列研究,将有利于评价Dynesys系统治疗腰椎退变性疾病的非融合作用。
Dynesys instrumentation has been reported with variable outcomes in recent publications. Beastall and colleagues43 used positional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to compare instrumented segment and adjacent segment motion following rigid instrumentation and Dynesys instrumentation. The investigators confirmed the motionsparing and stabilizing properties of Dynesys compared with rigid instrumentation, as the dynamic stabilization group had a greater, although still restricted, range of motion (ROM) at the instrumented level. Their results, however, were opposite to the in vitro results of Schmoelz and colleagues,41 as extension was limited, rather than flexion. With only 9 months follow-up, Beastall and colleagues43 did confirm that adjacent segment motion was unchanged following Dynesys instrumentation. However, this same group found MRI evidence of progressive degenerative disease at Dynesys instrumented levels and at adjacent levels. Whether this is a result of the natural history of degenerative disease, as suggested by Hilibrand and colleagues6 in the cervical spine, or a result of the intervention is unknown and will require further follow-up. In a separate investigation comparing adjacent segment ROM after Dynesys and rigid instrumentation, Cakir and colleagues44 found no difference in ROM from the preoperative and postoperative periods. They conclude that Dynesys shows no beneficial effect on the adjacent segment.
DynesyS系统的临床疗效在最近刊物上被报道。Beastall和同事使用体位磁共振(postional MRI)比较了坚强内固定与Dynesys系统固定后的病变节段与邻近节段的运动。研究者证实:相对坚强固定而言,Dynesys系统的有限运动和动态特性更具有优势;因为动态固定组的内固定节段运动范围(ROM)更大,虽然其运动是被限制的。然而,他们的结果与Schmoelz及其同事的离体结果相反:后伸幅度有限而不是屈曲。Beastall 及其同事的一个只有9个月的随访,证明了在运用了Dynesys系统后邻近节段的运动不受影响。但是同组仍发现这Dynesys固定节段及其邻近节段退变的MRI证据。无论这是退变性疾病的的自然病史--Hilibrand和同事对颈椎的猜想,还是干预之后的结果仍然不得而知,这需要进一步的随访研究。在一个独立的的调查中,比较了Dynesys系统和坚强内固定系统邻近节段运动范围(ROM),Cakir和同事发现术前和术后无显著性差异。因此,他们认为:对于邻近节段,Dynesys显示不出任何有益的影响。
Patient-based outcome measures are an important tool for assessing device efficacy, and represent the most important measure of implant performance. Grob and colleagues45 presented results in their report of 2 years follow-up of a heterogeneous group of lumbar degenerative disease patients who underwent dynamic stabilization. Their results show that only 50% of patients reported that the procedure helped or helped a lot. When comparing their results with historical controls treated with fusion procedures for similar indications, these results were inferior. They note that 19% of the patients studied required reoperation within the short follow-up period. They conclude that there is no evidence to support that dynamic stabilization is superior to fusion regarding clinical outcome or need for revision surgery at the same or an adjacent level. Clinical results were also reported by Bothmann and colleagues46 in a review of 40 patients with an average of 16 months follow-up. Subjective improvements in pain and quality of life were re ported in 73% of the patients studied. These clin ical improvements were similar to results from traditional fusion surgery. The investigators conclude that dynamic stabilization alone is not a successful procedure, and stabilization should be accompanied by decompression of the neural elements. An alarming reoperation rate of 27.5% was reported, with 17.5% of patients suffering from loosening of the pedicle screws. Implant loosening and high reoperation rates are important limitations in the published efficacy of dynamic stabilization systems without fusion.
基于患者的疗效评价,是一项评价装置的功效的重要工具,代表植入器械的最重要评价指标。Grob及其同事报告了接受动态固定的腰椎退变性疾病患者的2年随访结果。结果显示:50 %的患者认为此项手术帮助或者很大程度上帮助了他们。当将他们的结果与历史文献中的相似手术适应证患者却采用融合术相比,Grob的结果都低。他们注意到19%的患者在短期随访中即需要再次手术。他们认为:在临床结果和同一或邻近节段需要进行翻修手术等方面,目前还没有证据支持动态固定优于坚强固定。Bothmann及其同事回顾了平均随访6个月的一组40例患者。73 %病人的主观疼痛和生活质量的得到改善。这些临床症状的改善与传统融合手术的临床疗效相似的。因此,研究者认为:单独运用动态固定并不是成功的手术方式,必须同时行神经减压(decompression of the neural e lements)。27.5%的手术率是令人震惊,同时17.5%的病人出现了椎弓根螺钉松动。内植物松动和很高的再手术率,是文献报道中单纯动态固定而不行融合患者的严重不足。
Semirigid instrumentation of the spine may be applied with the intent to fuse the spine, or to stabilize the affected motion segment without fusion. The optimal rigidity of a posterior instru mentation system for fusion remains undetermined. Preclinical data support semirigid fixation improving the load on the interbody graft. There is little evidence that semirigid fixation may improve PLF rates (Table 2). Long-term followup of the effect of semirigid fixation on adjacent segment pathology will permit an evaluation of the technology as a strategy for preventing adjacent segment degeneration.

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